
Stupid packaging...

Although I'm glad to have found candelabra style CFL bulbs at Costco, the half-empty "Earth Friendly" box is ridiculous.


Emily said...

So seven bulbs? Excessive packaging. Misleading. I agree, that's ridiculous.

Richard said...

No, only six bulbs. The seventh section contains six unnecessary converters to transform a candelabra style bulb to fit a regular socket. This is especially stupid since the only reason to buy these is because you specifically want the smaller size bulbs.

So, in addition to the half empty package...are six converters destined for a garbage can.

austinmcraig said...

Absurd, agreed. Some vendors are getting the point, though.

DS said...

Richard, in your series on marketing blunders, I'd like to see a blog entry on The Dress Barn. Has there ever been a women's clothing store with a worse name. Every time we drive past one, I say "mooo." I grant you all rights to this material free of charge or other consideration.

pam said...

I have hated excess packaging ever since I had little children and had to buy toys! I thought it would be stylish now a days not to do that any more. With what powers that be do we register our outrage?